Sutler's List

History of the 2nd South Carolina Rifles
Current News
Sutler's List
Command & Staff
16th Michigan
Photo Album
Battles, Engagements and Skrimishes
Official Reports on the 2nd SC Rifles
2nd SC Rifles Companies
Officers of the 2nd SC Rifles
Colonel John Vinro Moore
Colonel Thomas Thomson
Colonel Robert E. Bowen
Lt. Col. Thomas H. Boggs
Major Thomas A. Thompson
Major Styles P. Dendy

96 District Storehouse

Blockade Runner

Blue Ridge Mercantile & Sutlery

Crescent City Sutlery

Dell's Leatherworks

Dixie Gun Works

Heritage Leathers

James Country Mercantile & Sutlery

Nick Sekela Clothing

The Regimental Quartermaster

Thickity Creek Sutlery

Civil War Lady


Period Corsets(Ladies)